Online Booking

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Online shopping is here to stay and growing. Our user-friendly Responsive Website Builder enables you to join the modern wave of mobile-friendly, eCommerce-enabled websites tapping into this market.

Now, you may be thinking, "great, more tech to learn..." but don't stress, this is yet another area where we shine. Our integrated CMS (Content Management System) takes care of all the nitty-gritty, complex technological logistics behind the scenes, so you see a simple, user-friendly interface. You can build a beautiful, modern, high-ranking website even if you type with two fingers!

More than a third of participants in a recent survey said they spend more while shopping online, so you can customize our automated upselling features to maximize your sales. Your customers will appreciate the streamlined shopping experience, and getting their receipt and contract conveniently in their email inbox or text messages. And you'll appreciate the customer data you can use to run promotions and marketing campaigns!

In the same survey, more than half of the respondents indicated they had abandoned an order in the past year. No matter how perfect your site is, this happens from time to time. No worries! You can run an Abandoned Orders Report and send those customers a customized coupon or discount to entice them to complete their order. And with automated satisfaction surveys, you can figure out why they abandoned their order in the first place, so you can improve the shopping experience for all of your customers.

But our platform isn't just about generating repeat customers; it's also about helping you to serve them better! You'll save money, time, and gas with our delivery and pick-up routing module, and our automated inventory management ensures your customers are seeing your inventory in real time, so overbooking is literally impossible (except by you, the administrator and head honcho, if you so choose).

For your more complex orders, your customers can still call you, of course! Nobody knows your market or your business better than you, so you get to decide which of your items and packages will display prices and/or be available for online reservation. And for those more involved orders, you can generate and send a quote in seconds once you've got all the information. Sign up today!

Automated Customer Messaging

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We all throw away our receipts, right? If you save all of your paper receipts, we salute you. You're more organized than we are! A recent survey by a digital marketing company found that almost nobody actually followed through with any of the offers and promotions on their printed receipts; in fact, more than half of the people surveyed threw them away! Plus, paper receipts often have some pretty nasty stuff in them.

Our automated receipt emails and SMS text messages give your customers a digital paper trail they can keep forever! And while they're at it, they can sign their contract digitally before the event. But if they don't, no worries: your drivers and employees can pull up the contract on their smartphone for the customer to sign at the event.

But that's not all. The automated satisfaction survey your customers will receive a few days after their event is a powerful tool you can use to improve your services. You can pull quotes from completed surveys for Testimonials on your website, or run a Survey Answers report to get a big picture view of how your company needs to improve. And if you're worried your customers won't fill out the survey, feel free to include a customized coupon for a discount on a future order. Repeat customers, here we come!

Automated marketing emails help you get the most out of your customer base. You can automatically send an invitation eleven months after a date-based event like a birthday or company holiday party inviting them to book again, and why not add in a coupon to sweeten the deal? Or reach out to dormant customers who haven't ordered in a while, again, with a discount offer to entice them. And the best part is, the system won't ever forget! While you're busy focusing on the big picture, Tent Rental Systems will make sure to make good use of all that customer data by keeping in touch automatically.

In this day and age, some people ignore their emails, but most everyone pays attention to their texts. So we offer either or both method for your automated customer communications, and you can add, erase, or edit every aspect of every message! Sign up today.
What's your company's most valuable resource? Your customers, of course! Are you currently managing this resource wisely? According to a data recovery firm, lost data costs the US economy $12 billion per year.

When a community member or organization places an order with you, a customer profile is automatically created in your Tent Rental Systems account, complete with backup on our dedicated servers (which have never once gone down in ten-plus years, by the way). You're not losing that information any time soon!

Need to remember to call Mrs. Jones this coming Thursday, or take out the recycling at the end of the day Monday? You can create and assign a task, then send a push notification to the employee you assigned the task to. A reminder will show up, readily visible (but not hogging the whole darn screen, hint hint, software companies!) on the home screen in your Control Panel until you dismiss it.

If you delegated a task to one of your employees, they can mark it complete once it's done, and if it was a customer communication, they can log into the CRM and make a timestamped Contact Note, even on their phone. If, that is, you grant that employee CRM privileges in the system. You can create unlimited user profiles at no additional cost to give your employees access to whichever parts of the system you want.

Want to reward your best customers? Set up an automated email and/or text to go out with a discount on their next event any time someone completes an order on your website over a certain amount. Or you could hop on over to Reports, run a quick Customer Sales Report, see who's given you the most business over the last few months, and send them a customized Thank You Coupon.

CRMs have long been used as a tool for salespeople to efficiently manage their day-to-day operations, and now you've got access to a really good one too. Sign up today!

Routing & Logistics

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We all know the age-old expression "time is money." Smart businesspeople have always recognized the wisdom of this adage, but we'll take it a step further: labor and gas are also money!

If you're still managing your deliveries manually, not only are you spending a ton of extra time planning your logistics, but you're also almost certainly spending a bunch of extra money on gas and labor hours.

Not only that; you might also be forgetting things! No judgment, we've all forgotten things from time to time, but there's no reason you have to with our delivery routing and logistics features. With our automated inventory management, you can assign ancillary items to your inventory and those items will autopopulate to the load sheets for the day, so you don't forget the stakes for your tent, or the cord covers for your extension cords. You can auto-assign items to trucks, move them around as necessary, assign drivers and assistants, print and share load sheets, generate the optimal routes for the day, and text them to your drivers.

Our co-founder, Rob Weinstein, estimates he saved $1,600 every month once he began using the earliest version of our delivery routing module, about ten years ago (and that was for a small-to-medium sized party rental business). The newest routing module is much more powerful!

UPS, the largest logistics company in the world, projects to save $300-400 million per year with improved efficiency in their delivery routing and logistics. We can't promise you those kinds of numbers (I know, sorry to disappoint), but we can promise you'll save money, time, and gas if you use our delivery and pickup routing features. Sign up today!


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Chances are, as a business owner, you already know how important marketing is. Indeed, a recent report by a marketing company found that every dollar their customers spent on email marketing generated a $44 Return on Investment. And since repeat customers are easier to sell to and spend more, keeping in touch with your existing customers is the most cost-effective way to grow your business.

So it's really handy that, as soon a customer places an order, Tent Rental Systems automatically starts reaching out to them! They get an emailed and/or texted receipt and digital contract they can sign on their mobile device or computer (and don't worry; your drivers can pull up the contract on the Mobile App to have the customer sign at the event if need be), pre-event Tips & Reminders, a post-event Satisfaction Survey, and even strategic marketing messages to generate repeat business down the road. And you can add, erase, or edit every automated message to best suit yours and your customers' needs.

You can also use our CRM to sort and organize your customers into groups and organize targeted email and/or text marketing campaigns and watch your business grow. You can do all of that in our native system, but if you're using a third party email marketing platform, we integrate with all of the major ones, so you can move seamlessly into our system without losing any of the data and functionality you already have. And, since some people respond better to text messages, our automated messaging features have that option covered too!

Coupons and discounts are fully customizable, so you can push all the right buttons with your strategic marketing campaigns. And you can always run reports to track your conversion rates, average ticket size, or customer satisfaction, and adjust accordingly. Sign up today!


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We know how it goes. You're answering the phones, shop-vacing the warehouse, filing the taxes, responding to emails, doing All The Things, All The Time. It's why your business succeeds. Without your tireless dedication, you wouldn't have a business in the first place.

So sometimes being so deep in the weeds, you need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. That's where Reports come in.

You can run an Abandoned Quotes report and send a template or custom email to the would-be customers and convert a few of them into actual customers! Does it seem like business is blowing up in a nearby township, but lagging in your neighborhood? Run a report to double-check! Then, if your hunch was right, you can export the report to a spreadsheet, copy all of the email addresses, and run a promotion to pick up those sales numbers. Or you can run the campaign through one of the major email marketing platforms we integrate with.

Or maybe you're wondering what kind of profit you're clearing from each of your tents. You can run a Return on Investment report to find out. Want to see where your service could use improvement? Run a Survey Answers report to see how your customers answered the automated Survey emails and/or texts they received after they ordered online or over the phone. You could run a mileage report and evaluate whether your deliveries and pick-ups are operating efficiently.

Of course, sometimes you don't have the time to dive deeply into a complex data set, but you you want a quick snapshot of your sales for the day, or the last month, or even the last year, or to see what your best sellers have been over the last couple of months. In that case, you can view the bar graphs and pie charts embedded in the home screen of the Reports module, which automatically update and display in real time. Or you can take advantage of our Google Analytics integration to see how your website is performing.

All of our Reports can be exported to CSV, so you can quickly put the information into your favorite spreadsheet program and filter the information to really zero in on the specific areas you're trying to learn more about. And with TaxCloud and Quickbooks integration, our system can update your books without you having to lift a finger! Sign up today!

Mobile App

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These days it can seem like everyone is always glued to their phone. Despair not though; our Mobile App for iOS and Android will remind you of why we've all adopted this technology: it's convenient and powerful!

Our full Control Panel is available on any device with internet access, so if you're lying in bed and remember you need to make a quick update to your website but your desktop is in the next room, you can pull out your phone and get it done right there. Or, if you need to set closure dates for a vacation (remember what those feel like? No? Maybe it's time for some automation!), but your laptop is updating, you can pull out your tablet or phone and get it done lickety-split!

So you can do everything including the kitchen sink in our system on any device, but of course you don't always need the full kitchen sink! And of course you don't want all of your employees to have access to the entire system, so you can set user permission levels. Your employees can use our free Mobile App for iPhone and Android to clock in and out, take before and after setup pictures and store them in the event profile, check off items on their load sheets as they load the trucks, pull up contracts for the customer to sign digitally, and much more, all with their own unique User ID. You can have as many users as you want, and they're always free!

If you're out grocery shopping and receive a call from a customer wanting to place an order (of course, some people still want to call rather than booking online, or maybe they have some questions or a somewhat involved order to make, or maybe you don't have Online Booking enabled), you can pull up the Mobile App and get it booked in a flash. If you need to assign an employee a task, they'll get a push notification letting them know about it. And you can even use the App to track your trucks' exact locations, so sign up today!

Free Tech Support

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We proudly declare we have some of the best Technical Support in the USA! A major reason for that is that our Tech Support office is actually in the USA. In fact, the Tech Support office is also the Management, Development, HR, Marketing, and Sales office. We're all under the same roof here in beautiful Albuquerque, so we keep our communication tight.

Speaking of tight, have you ever tried asking a software company for a new feature? How did that go? If you just had a few hairs turn grey when you read that, maybe they'll turn back to their original luster when you learn that we average about 130 updates per year! We have some of the best programmers in the area, and our tight-knit office relationships enable us to be nimble and responsive in a way very few companies can match.

We know we could probably save a few bucks in the short term by outsourcing our Technical Support, but not only do we feel that wouldn't be right, it also strikes us as bad business. We know our customers are much more likely to stick around and say nice things about us if we provide them with top-quality service. So our Tech Support team has a "One Hour Policy," which means that, on the rare occasion an incoming call goes to their voice mailbox, they return it within an hour if it's during business hours.

Tech Support is 100% free from the moment you sign up! Phone Support is available during business hours Monday through Friday, and there's internet chat in the evenings as well. You can send an email any time of day or night, and we've got a private Facebook group with about 800 of our users as members. It's not uncommon to see Lezlie or one of our other Techies on there answering questions in the middle of the night. And if you're looking to brainstorm or run ideas by our colleagues in the field, a group of 800 or so spread throughout the country is a pretty darn useful resource!

With a robust introductory curriculum that guides you step-by-step through the system, to embedded YouTube tutorials throughout, our software is designed to be user-friendly, even for people who don't identify as tech-savvy or know anything about programming or web development. But we know tutorials can't answer every question, so we reach out to you by phone when you first sign up, and we're always a phone call or click away. Y hablamos Espanol tambien! Sign up today!

Responsive Website Builder

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Remember when you had to pay a web developer a bunch of money to make a website for you? And they had to build a separate website for phones too? Those days, happily, are over!

Our Responsive Website Builder allows anyone to build a beautiful, modern, high-ranking* website that automatically looks great on any device. You don't have to know anything about programming, coding, or web development; Noah built this website, and he's just a sales guy!

Want to embed a YouTube video on your home screen, and/or a scrolling banner with clickable images that link to unique product pages for each of your attractions and products? No problem! All that will be great for your SEO. Want to place Calls to Action in strategic places on your website to get the sales process moving forward? Easy!

But what sets us apart from other website building platforms (I mean aside from the fact that ours is SEO-optimized)? It's the complete, end-to-end business system, tailored specifically for the rental industry, backing ours up!

It's the fact that our websites enable online ordering and payment taking, but only if you want them to! You can set some or all of your inventory up to display prices and/or be available for online booking, or not, at your own discretion.

It's the fact that you can have your drivers use their phone to pull up the customer's contract in our free Mobile App for your customers to quickly sign at the event (if, that is, they didn't already sign their Contract in the message they received automatically when they ordered).

It's the fact that you can set up custom pricing parameters to get the most out of your inventory but still not have to worry about overbooking.

It's the fact that you can quickly run an Abandoned Orders report so you can reach out with a special offer to complete a few of those orders.

It's the fact that you can tag your customers to sort them into groups with our built-in CRM, so you can customize your marketing campaigns.

But that's not all. We pride ourselves on being one of the most nimble, accessible, and responsive software companies out there. We offer Free Technical Support from the minute you sign up, and we average about 130 updates per year, so you can rest assured you're not being taken for granted!

And with no upfront fees for local servers (why spend thousands of dollars on a local server you have to maintain and repair when we already pay for industry standard dedicated servers?), licensing, or anything else, and a monthly billing cycle with no contracts (so you can cancel at any time), you know you're in good hands with a company that's in tune with modern software business practices. Sign up today!

*: No SEO expert, nor anyone else, can truthfully promise you first-page search results. It's up to you to provide good content for good SEO results; our job is to make it easy for you to do that, and also to make good page paths and use other programming best practices that help you out. You can check out how our software helps you with SEO here.

**: Want to keep your existing website but use us for online booking and business management? No problem, just get in touch with us.


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What is ERSPay?

ERSPay is our own native Merchant Services and Payment Gateway!

Here's Why You Should Care:

  • 2.89% plus .20 per Transaction Card not Present
  • 1.89% plus .20 per Transaction Swiped
  • No PCI Compliance Fees Ever
  • $14.95 Monthly Statement Fees
  • No fees for refund transactions
  • No cancellation fees, and no hidden or junk fees of any kind
  • A direct single sign on merchant portal so it's all inside of ERS. No need to sign into a second site to manage your account
  • Charge your customer's card on file for future events. No need to ask for their card number again
  • Tier 1 Support provided by our own ERS team
  • Once you've signed up, you can apply for ERSPay here:

© 2025 Tent Rental Systems | A Division of Event Rental Systems               Powered by Event Rental Systems